Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Uxmal Mayan Ruins

*Status Update*  We are currently in Nicaragua licking our wounds after having a wreck yesterday. A dog ran out in front of us and we were only able to slow a little before hitting him. We are ok and have scrapes and bruises but no broken bones or major injuries thanks to the gear (always wear your gear!). The bike is also a little scratched up but no major damage. We are grateful to the kind local village people who came to our aid. We will be back on the road soon.  

And now back to our regular scheduled blog.

Uxmal is an ancient Maya archaeological site close to Merida, Mexico in the Yucatan peninsula.   It is one of the better preserved ruins and a peaceful oasis with only 3 hotels within walking distance and a few restaurants.  

Mariachi statues at the restaurant and hotel just outside the entrance,

The magicians pyramid is at the entrance of the park and is an impressive site from all angles. You can not climb this one but there are plenty of places to explore throughout the site for great views.

The Nunnery Quadrangle was the home to the government palace and has some of the most impressive carvings in Uxmal including a large snake that winds through the length of the building where it's head and tail meet. There is also a laser light show in Uxmal every night weather permitting in the nunnery quadrangle.  Be sure to bring heavy duty bug spray.

The long view of the snake. 
The beginning and the end of the snake

This is the ball court where they played mesoamerican ballgames that often ended with human sacrifice for ritualistic purposes.

The site is now home to several iguanas. DON'T pet them, they are not a fan.

But DO run towards them like this to show them who the dominate species is.

The zombie posture is important when chasing iguanas.
The best view of the site is from the Governor's Palace. The steps are steep and treacherous but it is worth the climb to see the view and take a moment to appreciate the beauty of  the Mexican landscape and history of the Mayan people.

The Governor's Palace (Carmen for scale)

View of the Magicians Pyramid and Nunnery Quadrangle.

More to come.

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