Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Caffeinated Tree-huggers!

There are roads that motorcycle riders love to ride for the poetry of curves and views and that deep feeling of WooHoo!

Route one in Northern California is one of these roads.

The first leg takes us through the Redwood National Forest.

Pictures fail to describe how beautiful this road is and how immense the redwoods are. On the motorcycle you feel the temperature drop as you enter the depth of the forest and smell the ferns and moss.

We stopped to admire a few of the old giants and give them a hug. Trees need hugs too!

There are some fun roadside attractions along the way.  Here is a house made from one log, it's called one log house.

Carmen for scale.

At the Trees of Mystery there is a giant Paul Bunyan and Babe next to the museum/ gift shop.

Matthew for scale.

Our favorite roadside attraction in Chandelier, the Drive Thru Tree. It's not everyday that you can say you drove thru a tree and lived to talk about it!

Vroom.. I'm in a tree!

From the Drive Thru Tree to the California Coast there is approximately 23 miles of sexy switchbacks and heart stopping S turns.

Vroom Vroom!

Then the highway opens up to the coast. Simply beautiful.

It is still to cold to play in the ocean but it is a wonderful ride to it.

Time for us to check out California wine country!!

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