Monday, July 6, 2015

Beware of Hoodoos!

Our home state has the motto 'Alabama the beautiful'.  While it is a very pretty state, we're a little confused why it got that title and not Utah. Around every bend of the road is a new breathtaking view.  
After driving through Zion I couldn't imagine seeing anything that equaled it's beauty. Well I was wrong, our next stop is Bryce Canyon.

We stayed in a quaint Lincoln Log style cabin a few miles from the entrance.  

Lincoln Log cabin - Some assembly required.

Sneak peak of Bryce on the road in

Bryce Canyon National Park was settled by Mormon pioneer Ebenezer Bryce in the 1850's.  We rode all the way to the very top and stopped for the beautiful vistas all the way down to the entrance. It is not as crowded as Zion and they allow you to walk down into the canyon or take horseback tours. 

They local wildlife was very friendly.  

I think he was tired of people taking selfies with him.

Bryce is so photogenic. Taking a bad photo is nearly impossible.  The amber glow of the canyon and hoodoos (a tall, thin spire of rock that protrudes from the bottom of an arid drainage basin or badland) against the deep blue sky makes for some great panorama photos. Please enjoy our favorites from the day.

The Natural Bridge


Beware of the Hoodoos!  

Walking trial down into the Canyon.


We enjoyed our relaxing ride through Bryce Canyon but we have so much more to see and do. Time to head North!


  1. See why I love Bryce. A place of sheer beauty and one I really want to return to!!

  2. I think he said "nevermore" to selfies

  3. Looks like a great trip, have fun!!!

  4. The colors look so sharp compared with other locales. Did you have any problems finding a cocktail in Utah?

    1. Apparently there is a strong counterculture against Mormons in Utah so it wasn't much of an issue for us. Their Blue Laws are different from Alabama though. Look up 'Zion Curtain' for an example.

    2. Apparently there is a strong counterculture against Mormons in Utah so it wasn't much of an issue for us. Their Blue Laws are different from Alabama though. Look up 'Zion Curtain' for an example.

    3. Apparently there is a strong counterculture against Mormons in Utah so it wasn't much of an issue for us. Their Blue Laws are different from Alabama though. Look up 'Zion Curtain' for an example.


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