Monday, August 31, 2015

Deja Vu on a Boat

The  MV Matanuska has been in service since 1963 and is our ride back to the road again.  We are just itching to get there too.   

The ferry life begins to feel like groundhog day. Our new room is bigger but does not have a  window. We have no idea if we are at port, or if it is day or night, rainy or sunny. 

This time we get a private bath!
 We spent a lot of time sitting in the cafeteria reading and waiting on the next meal. I know, exciting right?

Hey look, today's special is FOOD! 

When they dock in a new port you can get off the ferry to walk around while the crew loads and unloads, if time permits.

We stopped at one port in a tiny little fishing village. We went ashore while the ferry reloaded people and goods.  There was one tiny little grocery store where we walked around like we had never seen a grocery store before. "Oh look, they have chips and salsa!"

And we walked around the boat, a lot.

This is where the passengers without staterooms can camp. Most seem to just sleep in a sleeping bag on a lounge chair in the open air.  This is still Alaska and it is still quite cold despite the heat wave. So many nopes.

Helipad and Sundeck 

Alaska is very beautiful and we took the time to enjoy the views before we head into Canada again and say goodbye to the Last Frontier.

Goodbye Alaska. Hello, British Columbia.!

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