Monday, September 14, 2015

It's so BLUE!

We are heading South towards the equator and my jacket is more of warm weather style and was holding in heat.. So this is my new jacket! 

Shing-sparkle sparkle

We headed south out of Eugene to Crater Lake National Park.  For those keeping count this is our 9th National Park.  If you are planning on visiting a lot of National Parks within a year You should get a National Park Pass. It will get you into all of the National Parks for free for your vehicle and all passengers for one year. Our has paid for itself several times over already.

Crater Lake is what remains of a destroyed volcano named Mount Mazama. The lake has no streams or springs running into it and is made up of only rain water and melted snow which creates a vibrant clear blue color. It really is a fascinating place both in beauty and how it came to be. The Lake's depth is 1,943 feet making it the deepest lake in the US and 9th Deepest in the world.

There is a road that takes you all the way around the crater rim with lots of photo op stops along the way. If you have the time the park rangers take visitors out on to the lake and onto Wizard Island. The North entrance was closed due to all of the forest fires and the air was hazy with smoke yet again. So, we only kinda saw Crater Lake.


There is Wizard's Island peaking out of the lake

There are fish in the lake but they did not get there by natural means. There aren't any tributaries feeding the lake so man decided to fix that.

This little guy told us it was time to go.

Aww, he's showing his guns!


Going down into California next..

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