Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Cold Dead Horsey Foot

I interrupt our regularly scheduled blog to bring you an important update.

Carmen and I have reached Coldfoot Alaska, 55 miles North of the Arctic Circle.

Our blog posts are based a couple of weeks in the past so that we can adequately describe a place and go through photos and not just give you day to day updates ("Dear diary, today I drove.. all day long.. The End.")

There are 5 Legs to our trip, and we have just completed Leg One and are on our way South once more.

We drove 7,664 miles (or 12,334 Kilometers)  and have been on the road for 49 days.

Stay tuned for more soon!


  1. Were you as muddy as the bike? Great accomplishment.

  2. You will just have to wait until the Blog catches up to this point.

  3. You will just have to wait until the Blog catches up to this point.

  4. Yay! I am so proud of you guys! -Adrienne


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