So last night we stopped in Drummond Montana. Population of 348 (according to the chalk on the Wagon Wheel restaurant wall).
There is a tradition up here of putting the first letter of the town on the hill. Drummond has a giant D with solar lights.
As we walked around we met a guy who put the lights up there. He said it's the 4th largest letter on Montana hills. He has the largest D in Montana.. ;)
Drummond is so small that we walked around town smoking a cigar and drinking whiskey. It took 10 minutes.
This used cow lot is what, we're told, is what people come to Drummond to see. Spoiler alert, here it is in all it's glory. Your welcome for saving you the gas to get here.
Used how exactly? |
We then drove to the
Ghost Town of Garnet, Garnet was a booming gold mining town with a population of 325 at it's peak. That was the same size as Drummond in population, which I found interesting and therefor you shall find interesting. Is Drummond a future ghost town too?
It was 10 miles of dirty switch backs on what they call a highway and we fell over when we arrived at the town. Carmen hurt her butt bone and her elbow. Poor baby, I blame the ghost.
Somebody has a frowny face. |
What remains of the center of town. |
Old things creep me out so Carmen took a few more pictures of the remains from the town of Garnet before we braved the rest of Highway 200 back into civilization.
Creepy old buggy |
Creepy old used shoes |
Creepy general store bar |
Creepy parlor in the hotel |
Creepy stove in hotel kitchen |
So, now let's move on and back into civilization shall we? Glacier National Park here we come!
Used cars, used boats, used airplanes, so why not used cows? Utterly preposterous!