Wednesday, August 5, 2015

The Great Alaska Highway!! - Part 4 (The End)

We Made It!!

What a great ride.. Long and scenic, but worth every minute and mile. 

From the US/Canada border it is a short(ish) drive to Tok Alaska.
Tok sounds like Tokyo, and one source said it is "Tokyo Junction".. but no one could verify why it is called Tok, and the origination of the name is unknown.

There isn't much to do here in Tok but eat and rest and meet some fellow riders. And since Tok is the only place for miles and miles you will see other riders, you will swap stories and make some new friends.
(Hi "Diane and Dwayne"!)

Someone needs to mow their roof.
After Tok it is a short (108 miles) ride up the road to the end of the ALCAN Highway, which is 1,387 miles (but I like saying 2,232 Kilometers as it sounds farther.)

While I am a huge fan of Wikipedia... I found an error:

Legendary over many decades for being a rough, challenging drive, the highway is now paved over its entire length.
So far one of the roughest sections that we have ridden was in the Yukon, on an unpaved section where a road grader almost hit us while working to "pave" the Canadian side.
(Come on Canada.. get your shit together already!)

But I digress.

We made it to Delta Junction, the official end of the ALCAN. From here it becomes the Richardson Highway and continues on to Fairbanks.

Actual size of an Alaskan Mosquito

Of note, the University of Alaska in Fairbanks will rent out dorm rooms during the Summer/Off-Season. They are kind of sparse, but more affordable than a hotel, and the dorm restrooms are very nice.

Dorm Room, Carmen for scale.

And now that we are in Fairbanks it is time for some basic motorcycle Maintenance and Zen.

I swear I am doing this right!

Maybe if I beat it with a rock..?

She drove me to drink, and I haven't the heart to thank her.

And that was just the front wheel.

And now up to Fairbanks and the legendary Dalton Highway!

Dum dum dum......

1 comment:

  1. And when you have put the bike together again, both you and the bike are enthusiastic about going all the way South? :-) Good ride further!


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